Spe(c)ktacle avec un K /
Kafka Lies
Co-created with Maja Maletković in collaboration with participating artists and designers
Developed through a series of workshops in Serbia and Canada, drawing on a team of collaborators from Belgrade and Montreal
February 2020 - PJE, Montreal
June 2019 - Dom Kulture Čačak, Serbia
On stage: Grégoire Blanc, Stéphane Gentilini, Pierrot Houde, Sabine Jean, Evelyne Laforest
Set design: Vera Komarčević
Costume design: Veljko Stojanović
Music and sound environment: Grégoire Blanc
Movement and dramaturgy advisor: Andréane Leclerc
Technical director: Peter Balov
Stage and rehearsal manager: Caite Clark
Costume construction: Sladjana Guslov
Technical support: Productions Jeun'Est and Caite Clark
Thanks to the artists who took part in early research stages of this project: Guillaume Biron, Barthélémy Glumineau, Sabine Jean, Andréane Leclerc, Emile Pineault
Thanks also to: Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Canada, Embassy of Canada to Serbia, North Macedonia and Montenegro, Rasmus Sylvest, Studio Cosy Montréal, Krassy Halatchev, Rachel Walker, the Maletković family, Isabelle Boileau, Sophie Picard, Cloé Alain-Gendreau, Geoffroy Faribault
Thanks to:

Photos by Natasha Kukić